August 25, 2017

“Times of Victory” by Pedro Luis Adames Valdez – A Place Under God's Wing

Times of Victory by Pedro Luis Adames Valdez (Book cover)

The Meditations of Pedro Luis Adames Valdez

The topic of religion is one that's becoming increasingly contested with the advent of globalization as it became apparent that there are many more faiths out there than meet the eye.

Each and every one has its own belief system and designations, with a few being much more heavily-proliferated and discussed than others, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

August 5, 2017

“The Boy Who Saw” by Simon Toyne – Putting the Ghosts of War to Rest

The Boy Who Saw by Simon Toyne (Book cover)

Simon Toyne and the Lost Identity

Compelling characters that consistently stimulate our desire to discover them across multiple books are few and drastically far in-between, with virtually ninety-nine percent of protagonists being throwaway vehicles used to conduct a single story.

Even when it comes to book series it is rare for an author to truly capture our interest with the same person one novel after the next... and I would argue that Solomon Creed, created by Simon Toyne, accomplishes that to perfection.